2022 Treasurey Report
- Increase gas rebate from $0.20/km to $0.26/km
Motion to Accept
- Dan
- Al
2022 Secretary Report
- Member’s Bios
- Issues adding pictures and bios. Trouble-shooting required.
- Social Media
- Facebook, Instagram, Messenger mangement – Dan
Motion to Accept
- Al
- Amanda
Quarter Master Report
- Look into purchasing black embroidered hat
Motion to Accept
- Al
- Cam
President’s Report
- Agreement made that insurance will be purchased as required
- Events
- Prepare for Robbie Burns
- Additional events for consideration:
- Polaris
- North Calgary
- Legions
- Purchase smaller drums (700s)
- Goals
- Practice existing tunes
- Look into more pub night performances
- Engage with the community (i.e Airdrie Celtic Festival)
- Scope additional outside sponsorship
- Ashley to assist with event planning
- Grow the band
- Consider posting performances on Tik Tok and Red-it
- Look into newage music
- Christmas performances
- Joint performances (i.e. RMCP)
- Road-trip performance
- Fundraising
- Silent Auction
- Work programs
- Election of Directors
- President – Cam(??)
Motion to to Accpt:
- Dan
- Amanda
- Secretary – Ashley
Motion to to Accpt:
- Al
- Dan
- Quarter Master – Dan
Motion to to Accpt:
- Al
- Dan
- Financial – Kevin
Motion to to Accpt:
- Cam
- Dan
Motion to Accept
- Cam
- Dan